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If you have missing teeth, it’s not just your smile that’s affected. Your confidence can be affected too. 

Having a gappy smile can mean you might not smile as much as you used to, or you might even try to hide your smile and its gaps. So, why would you face these things when you don’t have to?

Many people think replacing missing teeth is an expensive and long process. But it isn’t. Here are four reasons why you should replace your missing teeth and get your smile back on track.

1. Your Confidence Will Return

It might sound obvious, but you don’t know how much of a difference it could make to your self-esteem if you haven’t tried getting a missing tooth replaced.

Your smile will be fuller and brighter, and you can drop the habit of covering and hiding your smile. Not only will your gappy smile have disappeared, but you might want to check out some other treatments while you’re in the chair. 

At Woodborough House, we find that many patients who have a tooth replaced also tend to opt-in for things like teeth whitening and composite bonding to perfect their smile even further.

2. Your Other Teeth Will Be Less Overworked

If you have to chew a different way, you might not notice any difference in the way your teeth feel. But, we can guarantee that your teeth will be feeling the impact of your missing tooth all too much. 

When you adapt to having a missing tooth, your teeth aren’t naturally prepared for it. So, no matter which tooth you’re missing, your remaining surrounding teeth will be going into overload trying to provide the function of other teeth while you eat. 

3. Structure Will Return To Your Smile

This is something dentists have nightmares about. When you lose a tooth, your other teeth begin to creep slowly and move to fill the gap. This not only means your smile will look slightly different – and maybe even crooked – but it means it’ll be even harder to straighten up if you do ever try to replace your teeth. 

That’s why it’s important to get a missing tooth replaced straight away, so your other teeth don’t have the chance to try and move into the gap. It wreaks all kinds of havoc on your smile and could even result in some expensive orthodontic work, to put it right. 

4. A Quick-Fix Could Last a Long Time

If you’re unsure how to get your tooth replaced, it’s important to know you’ve got options. Depending on which tooth is missing, you can choose from treatments like implants, dental bridges, dentures and more to solve your problem.

Things like implants can last a lifetime if you look after them properly, and they can sometimes take just two appointments. Implants use titanium foundations to secure your replacement tooth into place. 

Plus, these kinds of treatments don’t just last a long time. They’ll restore function, so you no longer have to adapt the way or what you eat. That means you can eat your favourite foods once again and have no restrictions on your diet when you get a missing tooth replaced. 

Getting Treatment

If you have a missing tooth and want to know your options, contact Woodborough House today and chat with our friendly team to find out how you can restore your smile and confidence. 

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