To the Woodborough family,
In these unprecedented times, we have been working hard to keep Woodborough House the safest place possible for our patients and staff. We have always prided ourselves on our hygiene protocols and cross infection control and over the last few months we have taken these measures to even greater heights.
However, these are indeed difficult times and we have been paying close attention to the varying guidance of the Government and official authorities. Keeping that in mind, we have come to the necessary decision to close Woodborough House’s doors for the time being.
We feel we have a duty to care for our patients, our staff and our families, to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and save lives. Continuing to see patients when asymptomatic transmission is a real threat would clearly be irresponsible.
We hope that we will be looking back at this measure in 3 weeks and be able to laugh and say that this move was an overreaction. However, a real fear is that as events unfold, these measures may seem as if as a country, we did not go far enough, early enough.
Sarah and I firmly, believe that together we can overcome this, with all necessary care and a little sacrifice. Our community’s health is too important to risk and we all need to do our part in controlling this pandemic.
We have left details of how to contact us should you need advice on our answerphone 01189843108 and will still be checking our email At this stage due to the agile nature of the pandemic, we are in the process of contacting all patients in this first 3 week period to reschedule your appointments, so please bear with us. As the advice changes we will change with it. We will keep you updated on our social media and website, where we will also post some useful information to help keep you in the loop over the next few weeks.
Kia Kaha (Stay strong)
See you soon.
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