This patient was recommended to see Dr. Nick Fahey by her general dentist. The patient was referred for a consultation to discuss removing the upper right first premolar and how best to restore the space.
The decision was made to remove the tooth and restore the space with a dental implant. The patient decided at the first consultation that she would also like her upper teeth to have a better appearance. We contacted her referring dentist about the change in the patients request for treatment and asked if the patient should be referred back to their care for the crown restoration. It was decided because of the complicated work that the patient requested that the work would be carried out by Nick here at Woodborough House. The Straumann implants were placed using computer guided surgery.
After prepping the upper teeth and placing temps the patient visited our technician in London to discuss the shade and the final appearance of the teeth. It was at this stage after speaking with Rob that the patient decided that she was so happy with the upper teeth, even though in temps, that she would also like the lowers to be fully restored.
The final outcome was that the patient had one Straumann computer guided implant placed with 13 crowns on the upper and 14 crowns on the lower.
Both the patient and the Woodborough House team are extremely pleased with the final result. Have a look at the transformation in the images below and we’re sure you’ll understand why.
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