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Dr Nick Fahey is in Japan this weekend to lecture at Straumann’s CARES Guided Surgery workshop. On the 1st and 2nd October, Dr Nick Fahey will be involved in a series of workshops with other surgeons and dental technicians about the future of guided surgery.

Along with Martin Schafer, Straumann’s Head of Training and Education of Digital Solutions, Nick will present a case study about the benefits of using Straumann’s digital scanner – coDiagnostiX and gonyX and how effective these devices are as a guide to fitting dental implants in his role as an oral surgeon working in a UK dental practice.

Nick will also be involved in a first case planning study of the coDiagnostiX implant planning software, giving examples of how the digital software works by showcasing his work in a case by case presentation. This event gives Nick an excellent opportunity to showcase his best work using Straumann technology to other dental professionals.

Implant software such as Straumann® Cares® Guided Surgery benefits dentists because it allows for local template fabrication, along with an open system which gives greater freedom of choice in terms of software and hardware. It also provides effortless and seamless communication possibilities across various dental disciplines whilst offering optimal outcome for patients.

The aim of the weekend is to showcase the digital Straumann software as an ‘integral and flexible solution’.  On the 2nd October, Nick will also be involved in a discussion and question and answers session. Nick does dental implant treatment at Woodborough House and the Harley Street dental practice.

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