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Phew. It has definitely been “one of those days” today! The waiting room was buzzing, the phones kept ringing, and all the team were hard at work all day.

Me and Sen was treating a patient that we have been seeing for some time now. He came to see us at the beginning of the year with his girlfriend, and presented us with a very difficult case. He had several missing teeth, and needed some extensive work doing. Sen sat down with Nick, to get his professional advice on Dental Implants and Dentures, and discussed what treatment plan would be best suited to this patient. Since then, the patient came in to see us and announced that he was getting married. Yay! Now the pressure was on!

The patient was embarressed by his smile, as he had missing teeth, decay and discoulored teeth. As Dental Implants are an investment and the “Rolls Royce” of dental treatment, our patient needed something to get him through to his wedding day. He needed to have his smile back! By working with our laboratory, getting various study models and diagnostic wax models made up of what the teeth should look like, we were able to provide our patient with a new set of teeth.Now ,the teeth we made are only a temporary measure as the patient is getting married, but what a difference a few hours in the dental chair made! He walked out of WH with a brand new smile. It was all a bit alien to him as he had gone so long with no teeth, and smiling just was not something he naturally did, but he was very pleased with the result. He actually said to me “its the missus you got to impress, not me”. Lets hope she was pleased with the results aswell :-)

If you are suffering from broken teeth, missing teeth, or you would like some more information about full mouth reconstructions  or Dental Implants then please talk to one of our team. They will be more than willing to help.

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